MCiA Audio Reveals How the Money System Works
The problem with the economy is ignorance about money!
Download this fascinating and entertaining, 1-hour audio production now.
Did you know that the Federal Reserve is not an agency of the U.S Government, but a private multi-national corporation operated for profit?
Do you know what is wrong with the two pictures of the five dollar Federal Reserve Notes above?
The first Federal Reserve Note says: "Redeemable in gold on demand at the United States Treasury, or in gold or lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank." By removing the promise of redemption in lawful money, gold or silver coin, the monetary system of the United States established by the Constitution was eliminated and replaced by units of debt known as credit.
Credit is an agreement that exists only in the minds of a creditor and a debtor. It is not a tangible substance like gold and silver coin that can be weighed and measured in dollars, but an idea represented by bookkeeping entries and computer symbols. It is entirely psychological!
In this one-hour audio production, the narrator provides his audience with insight into how the international bankers, with the cooperation of the U.S. Government, illegally confiscated the real money - Gold & Silver - from the citizens of the United States & exchanged it for a limitless supply of their worthless paper and ink notes.
“All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.”
A dishonest money system is at the very heart of America's economic and social problems. The degree to which the money system is corrupt is the degree to which all other areas of society are corrupted.
Do you know why you can't make ends meet?
Do you know why it takes more energy to make a living today than it did 15 to 20 years ago?
Do you know why both Husband and Wife have to work when a man's paycheck used to be enough to support a family?
WAKE-UP AMERICA examines how money is created and how the tax system really works. Learn what every citizen needs to know about money and taxes. Inform your family, friends and community.
Discover the secrets of money.
Learn the true purpose of paper money and credit.
“Steven Jacobson’s ‘Wake-Up America’ audio is the most comprehensive and easy to understand explanation of the money system available.”
Can Paper Become What is Promised by Removing the Promise?
Between 1914 and 1963, Federal Reserve Notes bore the promise to pay in dollars of lawful money. After 1963, that promise disappeared!
What happened in 1963?
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated and the Federal Reserve began to issue new paper currency.
While the attention of the nation was focused on the tragedy of the death of President Kennedy, the Federal Reserve switched the currency. Federal Reserve Notes promising to pay the bearer on demand in dollars of "lawful money" (gold and silver coin) were taken out of circulation and replaced with notes without the promise.
A dollar is a unit of measurement for gold and silver coin. A unit of measurement cannot replace the substance that it measures. A dollar cannot be money any more than a quart can be milk. Without gold and silver coins as real money, the "dollars" on paper currency measure units of credit which are less tangible than air. The money system is a complete, total fraud. In fact, it is the ultimate slave system. All that it took to enslave America (and the world) was to convince people that paper and credit are money!
“My brother originally introduced me to both “Mind Control in America” and “Wake-Up America”. What I heard made me irate to say the least. I’m sure that you understand how it feels for someone who has trusted their government for all of their lives to find out how that government has lied to them and deceived them.
Although I took courses in economics in both high school and college, making A’s in both classes, I never understood economics. Sure, I knew what answers to put on the test, but I never grasped the concepts. Your “Wake-up America” audio truly did wake me up! You explained things in such simple terms that ANYONE should be able to understand.
I can’t wait for my son to come home for Thanksgiving break so he can sit down with me and listen to it for the first time. While the majority of the world seems to be mindless lemmings, not questioning anything, I think one of the most important things to teach a child is to consider and ask, “Why?” or “Why Not?”.
Thankfully, I have been made aware of what’s going on so that decisions I make are my own and not what someone else is programming me to do. I just wanted to thank you.”