Samuel J. Jacobson's Personal Comfort Training
Basic Relaxation Allowance Exercise
A Classic & Unique Audio That Promises to Improve & Enhance Your Life.
Stress Kills
Worry, anxiety, stress and tension affect us all. Many people have a level of stress and tension they have become accustomed to and consider normal. Stress is a killer. It is the number one factor in most health problems and affects productivity and perception as well. The more relaxed and comfortable we are, the more effective we are in dealing with the world.
"The ability to relax is a natural phenomenon of the mind we are born with. We don't have to learn to do it. We have to allow ourselves the privilege," says Samuel J. Jacobson, the author and developer of "Personal Comfort Training" and the voice heard on the audio. We live in a society today that functions at a pace too fast for human comfort, causing extreme tension which in turn causes tightness in the muscles of the body thus limiting blood circulation to the brain. No wonder so many people can't think straight or feel peaceful!
Break the negative programming & conditioning of subconscious influences
The "Personal Comfort Training" audio was developed for use in private practice for patients referred by physicians in cases of severe pain, neurological disorders, emotional problems and respiratory ailments, using sound vibration energy and positive health-promoting language as a medium to guide the listener through the sleep and dream states while awake. Repeated daily listening will in time help break negative programming and conditioning, replacing it with a positive healthy program.
Why spend 'big bucks' for numerous hypnosis, relaxation and motivational audios to control pain, manage stress, stop smoking, build confidence...there are hundreds upon hundreds of such audios available in the marketplace. BUT all you need is "Personal Comfort Training".
"It's the only audio to keep in your medicine cabinet!"
Samuel J. Jacobson
Certified by the Association to Advance Ethical Hypnosis and the International Society for Professional Hypnosis, Samuel J. Jacobson, a private consultant in relaxation techniques under medical supervision, developed the Personal Comfort Training audio and what he calls "relaxation/conditioning" where responsibility for the control of positive change is placed in the hands of the patient. Good health begins in the mind. The mind controls our ability to overcome illness. Our abilities and potential are far greater than we realize. Great healing power is within each of us.
“I guide people back to the natural state of mind - to let go and relax. Not by working on it, but by allowing it to happen.”
The patient is guided into an altered state of increased awareness of physical and mental relaxation, which distracts him from his immediate health problem as he becomes entranced with the discovery of his natural ability to have a deep relaxed experience. This training is simply the acquiring of a discipline of positive, healthy habit patterns communicated from a conscious level of mind to the subconscious level to dissipate previously acquired destructive, negative habit patterns.
Winston-Salem Journal
The primary means to relaxation in today's stressful environment is to learn to function on the intuitive rather than the rational level.
"With this training, we try to redirect positive behavior patterns to insure the eventual establishment of healthy conditioned reflexes," says Jacobson.
Conditioning those reflexes is based on developing conscious control of the sleep levels of the mind. Learning to move from the more active alpha level to levels of less brainwave activity as measured by the EEG is the process by which relaxation is achieved.
A common phenomenon of the relaxed state is "dreaming awake," being in both the alpha (alert) and delta (deep sleep) levels at the same time. It is this effect that allows for growth in self-awareness.
After learning what it feels like to control the body in a more relaxed state, the patient can then begin to resist the tensions from everyday problems and pressures. After repeated conditionings, the patient eventually makes the decision to assume full responsibility for physical and emotional well-being by performing his personal relaxation exercises prescribed to maintain and reinforce his relaxed level.
Because the relaxation factor is cumulative, the patient ultimately functions in a relaxed, comfortable aware state all day long with the added benefits of a complete healthy change of attitudes, greater productivity and creativity. It is a lifetime commitment to a positive health program as protection against the vulnerability to frustrations, tensions and adversity in life.
Jacobson's approach and techniques have been used in preventative health care. He has worked with doctors and patients in the departments of neurology, psychiatry and pulmonary medicine. He taught a course in "Self-Actualization" at an Experimental College program and courses at the YMCA and for private groups.
An Audio Unlike Anything You Have Ever Heard Before
Personal Comfort Training is the result of eleven years of private research investigating the mind. M.D.'s once wrote prescriptions for their patients to have this audio. It has been used to aid the treatment of numerous health problems--physical and emotional--chronic pain and stress management. You too can use it to improve and enhance your life.
This unique audio helps the listener identify deeper, more relaxed levels of mind in order to enter them at will and function in them for extended periods of time. It is a health program that speaks directly to the subconscious. Lower blood pressure. Slow down breathing and increase oxygen intake. Re-learn how to relax and live free from stress and tension--something that is natural to us when we are children. Our loss of innocence plus our programming and conditioning keep us from getting in touch with our true self where we can receive and respond to the wisdom and light within rather than to our mental and emotional conditioned responses.
Break your programming.
Enter deeper, more relaxed levels of mind.
Live free from stress and tension.
Attain better health.
Gain greater awareness and productivity.
Develop latent, unused potential and hidden talents.
Revitalize your energy at your convenience.
No medical claims are made herein. It is a known fact and common sense that relaxation promotes health.
author, Steven jacobson
"This unique audio was developed by my father, Samuel J. Jacobson, a researcher and consultant to the medical profession for twenty years. When he turned over his research materials and this audio to me, it led to my research of the mind control issue and the development of the 'Mind Control in America' audio series."
- Steven Jacobson
MCiA Media
Train yourself effortlessly to have more complete communication with your subconscious mind to more fully utilize the many benefits it has to offer you.
Here is a simple, economical and effective method of allowing yourself to live free from the accumulation of stress and tension. Don't you owe it to yourself?
Personal Comfort Training comes complete with instructions.
An Unsolicited Testimonial
I have used this tape myself well over one hundred times with much success. I must tell you about my first introduction to this tape. I developed a serious gum infection a couple of years ago at which time there was no dentist available for several days. I had never experienced such serious pain in my life. I can only describe it as what would be very similar to a scenario of someone tying me to a chair and stabbing me in the gums with an ice pick!
When I did find a dentist he put me on pain pills with an antibiotic. Later he doubled the strength of the painkiller, but to no avail. It had no effect at all on my pain. Just then my tape arrived. I put on my headphones and started to listen. At first it sounded like gibberish and I could not concentrate at all on what was being said. However, by the time the tape was over 80% of the pain was gone! In about an hour all the pain had left me and the pain never came back. The infection also broke... something the antibiotics had not been able to accomplish! I used the tape several times a day with the last time before retiring.
Since then I have used the tape at home and while traveling for relief of aches and pains, for just plain relaxation from stress and as an energizer.
As a serious researcher of alternative health therapies, I strongly recommend this tape to anyone and everyone. Others I have alerted about this tape and who have used it report that it has helped various health problems in their lives.
*I receive absolutely nothing for any endorsement or promotion of this tape. I merely inform friends from time to time of the benefits I, and others I know, have received from the use of this tape.
-Ed Schooling
Los Angeles, California
Daddy's Magic Tape
The first time I listened to the Personal Comfort Training tape, I wasn't sure what to think. Without a doubt, it was unlike anything I'd ever heard. Within the first minute I was utterly confused. Within ten minutes my confusion slipped away and I felt like I was going under anesthesia. And by the end of the tape, I felt more calm, more peaceful and more refreshed than I can ever remember. What happened to me? To this day, I still don't understand how the tape works. I just know it does and I wouldn't trade mine for anything.
About a month ago, my 10-year-old daughter heard me talking about this "magic tape" and asked to hear it. I was a little reluctant because I wasn't sure how she would react or if it would do her any good. I warned her that it might sound "a little strange", then gave her the headphones, turned out the lights and left her alone. She giggled once or twice at the beginning but about ten minutes later she was snoring. That was a month ago. Since then she has asked to listen to it every single night before going to bed. Sometimes she even stops playing or studying during the day so she can listen to "Daddy's funny tape." Both my wife and I are amazed at how much more calm and confidant she has become.
I cannot recommend this tape enough. But I must say that whoever orders it should be prepared for something very different and be willing to go through a little doubt and confusion at first. If they'll just do that, I think they'll be amazed at the peace-of-mind they'll find on the other side.
-Blair Warren
San Antonio, Texas